Test Data

Semantic Segmentation and Instance Segmentation for Autonomous Driving & RailSem19 Dataset for Autonomous Rail Applications

Visit our dedicated website: WildDash benchmark and dataset WildDash Logo
RailSem19 dataset for semantic rail scene understanding: link

Hazard Masks for CV-HAZOP

cvhazop_iccv2015.zip contains hazard masks for the Middlebury (2002-2014) and the KITTI 2012 datasets that mask the hazards from the CV-HAZOP  published in [Zendel e.a.  ICCV 2015].

Ground Truth Matches

The ground truth matches published in [Maier e.a. CVPR-WS 2017]  are presented here.

Object Detection on Airport Runways/Apron

The Apron Dataset for airport-apron logistics: link
More information here: https://github.com/apronai/apron-dataset

Crop/Weed classification and segmentation

The CropAndWeed dataset can be downloaded here. It is split into five files:
More information here: https://github.com/cropandweed/cropandweed-dataset